

What are the significant upsides and downsides to the growth and adoption of ChatGPT 以及其他面向流媒体专业人士的人工智能应用程序, 以及他们如何有效地利用其优势? 本·拉特纳,新闻技术总监, 波士顿25新闻,与制片人科里·本克讨论了这个话题 & 创始人之一, LiveX创始人Jeremy Toeman AugX实验室Mark Alamares,首席执行官 Mobeon, and Steve Vonder Haar, Senior Analyst, Intelligent Video & 企业, IntelliVid研究 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023.

“What is one major upside and one major downside that you see in the way you work and in general in the AI world?拉特纳对大家说. 他让本克从他的想法开始.

Behnke says that language model chat AIs have helped him approach issues with fresh viewpoints. “I go to ChatGPT to help me think about something differently. A lot of times, I get mired in my own technical legacy approaches of doing things. And so a lot of times I'll use it to give myself a different point of view. 这对我来说是件大事.”

Toeman also extols the virtues of ChatGPT but notes its downsides. “We're a nine-person startup, of which four of my people are 25 and under,他说. “I can have them use ChatGPT to evolve their own strategies and self-question their own thinking. So if I'm asking someone to come up with a marketing strategy for X, Y, Z, they can do a lot more vetting on their own so that the first time they come back to me, 这个口径太大了。, 比本来要高得多.” However, he says, this virtue of ChatGPT is also one of its primary downsides. “It's stifling a lot of independent creative thinking and learning. 我还记得我以前知道电话号码的时候. 然后,感谢谷歌,我们不知道事实. 现在多亏了ChatGPT,我们可能什么都不知道. That's obviously hyper-cynical, but there's somewhere in there of concern.”

Alamares believes that overall, AI is largely beneficial and has much further potential. He thinks the primary downsides are the somewhat exaggerated fears of AI being misused. “It’s allowed us to amplify our capabilities both as individuals and as a group, and [it’s made] the production process [more efficient] overall,他说. “但我看到了负面影响, 尤其是在创意层面上, 这是我们的同事说的吗, ‘Hey, 你应该远离人工智能,它是邪恶的等.等. So there's a lot of hesitance in the creative field because of the usage that we've seen, 尤其是被用在不道德的地方. 我想一旦这些事情解决了, 虽然, it will be a valuable tool for us in the future once all the dust settles, 而且我认为它会增强我们正在做的事情, both on a creative and technical level in a broad sense.”

Vonder Haar emphasizes that while AI is a game changer, 特别是对于软件开发人员, 它的好坏取决于开发它的人. “几十年, software developers have been limited by the processing power of the devices they've been working with,他说. “Now, 与人工智能, the software developers have a whole new realm to try to address, and that's a world with almost unlimited computing resources. 我们继续, it's a greenfield opportunity for software development, 哪里有创新者的空间.”

But he notes that AI is not some superhuman entity, at least not yet. “人工智能不是一根魔杖,”他说. “我们倾向于用超人的语言来谈论它, but it's just going to be a matter of AI is only going to work as well as the software developers that create the program that leverages AI capabilities. So if we come in expecting AI to cure cancer out of the gate because we saw that report on 60分钟, that's a terrific disservice to the whole computer software development industry because it's going to take savvy, smart software developers to understand both the problems that individual organizations face, and then understand how to leverage data and the greater data processing power than they've ever had before to create solutions for those specific business problems. 所以这一切都回到了基本的软件开发, 只是在一个前所未有的高度上.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at the next 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

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